What Is Biofeedback?

Biofeedback Explained

Biofeedback therapy is a valuable asset that we offer to help our clients heal, manage both physical and mental challenges, and cope with pain. Research has shown that it can be effective in teaching you how to handle a wide variety of afflictions. In fact, it’s trusted by medical and psychological professionals all over the world. Biofeedback can be a wonderful learning tool – both to teach you about your own body and its reactions to stress, and how you can consciously control those reactions.

How Does It Work?

One of the good things about Biofeedback therapy is that it’s very versatile and non-invasive. First, small electrodes are placed on the client’s skin where they can measure things like muscle tension, skin temperature, and neurological activity. The process of attaching them isn’t painful, and they’re easy to remove after the session is over. Next, the electrodes send their readings to a monitor, which gives both you and your therapist a detailed visual of what your body is doing in real time. During the session, the therapist then will teach you relaxation exercises and techniques that are specific to your needs. As you’re learning and practicing, you will be able to physically see how the exercises relax your body as well as feel how they produce the changes you’re looking for. This will also help your therapist since they will be able to point out your progress as you make it.

What Can It Help With?

There are many things that Biofeedback therapy is an excellent tool for, one of which is pain management. Whether you deal with chronic pain on a daily basis or are recovering from an injury or medical procedure, Biofeedback can help you learn how to consciously relax afflicted areas and muscles, improve circulation, and decrease your stress levels. Additionally, some studies indicate that Biofeedback can also be helpful in treating depression, anxiety, ADHD, and PTSD. Some experts even think that it can help you learn how to control motion sickness! Biofeedback therapy is especially useful because it’s so non-invasive. Because of that, it can be a valuable tool in helping those that cannot benefit from drugs and other procedures, such as pregnant women and those with allergies to certain medications and materials. It can also be paired with other therapies like clinical hypnosis, pain management therapy, and problem-solving therapy.